Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is your excuse?

Too early?  Too Windy?  The chicks that stayed home really missed a great ride.  It was a beautiful morning.  I woke up a couple of times during the night and could hear our front porch wind chime which meant "Santa Anas" were blowing.   But it seem to get less and less noisy as dawn approached.  I couldn't decide if we were going to regret riding.  But I knew I would regret NOT riding.  I checked the weather channel first thing and it showed LA as being calm.  This was decision time. Let's do it.

We planned on an early start, so that a certain someone could make it back in time for a family commitment, but she had some kind of "excuse".   We could/should have slept in and started a little later.  Jessy said that we should just drive to her house and make her provide us breakfast.

Since Jeri and Jessy had joined us we all decided to do the shorter 11 mile route through Strawberry farms.  Pat did an awesome job videoing our trip.   Enjoy!

The actual normal speed video isn't shaky, but we sped it up and edited quite a bit, since we didn't want to bore you with 7 minutes of similar scenery, but it gives a great example of one of our regular rides.  The microphone worked great, but Pat refused to narrate the whole ride, so it got a bit boring.  Thanks to Jessy for the editing and finishing touches.


  1. Great film! Loved every second of it! Jessy, you did a fantastic job of editing and working out those tweens. My favorite part is at the very end, with the twisty bike path in the park. Fun little film. Good soundtrack too, very cheerful

  2. Loved it! I narrated to Leif as I watched, wishing I had been there. This is one of my favorite routes.
