Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chicks that eat frozen yogurt

Yep, we had a surprise stop on the ride tonight.  When we started out it looked like it was gonna storm, but we made fast time up Havard onto the lovely Peter's Canyon Trail.  Once there we rode a great green belt through some parks and behind homes.  We left the road noise behind for a very pleasant ride. 

Then East on Hicks Canyon which was a mild grade and then out onto Portola to turn South on Jeffrey.  Everyone did terrific over the freeway overpass even with the cars speeding past.

We stopped at Yogurtland on the corner of Walnut and Jeffrey for some yummy frozen treats while our trusty steeds waited patiently outside.

We ended up with a pretty quick 13 mile ride, unless you asked Chris who thinks our distance maybe should be measure in a.m./p.m.
The century training girls are planning a 40 mile ride on Saturday starting in Huntington Beach.  Next week Theresa will be in Minnesota again - dodging Mosquitoes.  
I think I heard Pat say, "Wednesdays should be treat day."  I wonder what is in store for next Wednesday?

1 comment:

  1. That’s a nice pit stop! Maybe I can plan the same thing when I go biking next time, set it up so the shop will be the last one on my route. That would be a great way to cap off the exercise!

    - Joseph Carr
